Short details for Bodhnath Stupa : Spiritual Re-Awakening Cultural Immersion
Discover the quintessence beauty, renown monasteries, historical temples, genuine ethnic handicraft shops in the Bodhnath Stupa strategic area, as well as remote yoga retreat centers in and around the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Participate to interesting meetings, lectures and teachings with High Lamas, gNakpas Yogis, musicians, scholars, artists or NGOs development experts. Be truly immersed within the local community ethnic culture while visiting target-sites or institutions with local NGO's staff who are working in Social Work, Tibetan Medicine or High Education. Enjoy renewed friendly encounters with the local Newars, Tamangs, Sherpas, Tibetans and other ethnic groups, residing in situ. Enjoy to be participating to lacal activities in one of the most strategic power-place of the whole Himalayan range, this all within a personally tailor-made itinerary and project.
Home » Journeys » Bodhnath Stupa : Spiritual Re-Awakening Cultural Immersion
Discovering Secrets Sites In & Around the Bodhnath Stupa and Kathmandu Valley
The option to 14 ~ 21 days in & around Bodhnath Stupa remains always flexible and responding to the participant's main interests and therefore can always be re-united or added to another extra option: Bodhnath Cultural Immersion.
Welcome to Bodhnath Stupa!
Should you be alone, or with your family, or a small group of friends or be with spiritual practitioners, do not hesitate to contact us, we will develop a custom-made escorted tour based entirely based upon your personal approach, agenda and request.
All seven tours options we propose will allow you to create your own itinerary, with the help of our local specialists, guides, lecturers and academics.
Please take a few minutes to study the Scheduled Itineraries and get an idea of the options on offer. We will then assist you in putting together a discovery programe that will serve your agenda, requirements and approach.
Discover the quintessence beauty, renown monasteries, historical temples, genuine ethnic handicraft shops in the Bodhnath Stupa strategic area, as well as remote yoga retreat centers in and around the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Participate to interesting meetings, lectures and teachings with High Lamas, gNakpas Yogis, musicians, scholars, artists or NGOs development experts. Be truly immersed within the local community ethnic culture while visiting target-sites or institutions with local NGO's staff who are working in Social Work, Tibetan Medicine or High Education. Enjoy renewed friendly encounters with the local Newars, Tamangs, Sherpas, Tibetans and other ethnic groups, residing in situ. Enjoy to be participating to lacal activities in one of the most strategic power-place of the whole Himalayan range, this all within a personally tailor-made itinerary and project, as presented in our seven tours options!
Since 1988, Caer ~Sidi has been organizing Discovery Tours, Field-studies and Stepwise Ethnographic Field Research Program especially designed for practicioners, clinical professionals, researchers, students and scholars. These usually are of a 14 to 21 days duration, but sometimes will enfold upto 4 or 5 months. A longer period will required a special immigration office procedure for either Student, Research, Business or Non-Tourist Visas.
Caer ~Sidi is a branch of our CAIRN EU-NGO Network cultural immersion tours cum experiential activities. These have focused mostly upon such issues as : the hermeneutics underlying this strategic region geo-politics, clinical anthropology, energy-therapy, ethno-medicine and high education counselling development research, as well as the comparative study of the Himalayan and Celtic shamanic healing (Tsa-rLung) and (Chod) divination traditions.
Each of our Cultural Immersion scheme is per definition tailored upon the participants interest. It abides to a personalized MoU contract, which details the locations, agenda, methodology, targets, inputs and options. Caer ~Sidi therefore also has organized non-credit specialization field-studies and treks in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars
These cross-cultural academic exchange aim first to promote more awareness and understanding in both Europe and USA on the current Himalayan region issues. Therefore it may help to ground Euro-Asian expertise on a more genuine database on local community priorities, conditions for local participation, genuine regional history, hermeneutics KABPs and the evolving cultural representation prevailing in the target-site(s).
The Himalayan range is indeed another time, another world.
Or is it?
The 14 or 21~ days Tours&Studies are Open Itineraries, which remain always flexible and responding to the participants main interests. They can be focused on one or several of the following 7 approaches (Options) listed hereunder:
1- Nepal: Tibetan Traditional Medicine and Psychology
2- Nepal: Tibetan Chod Shamanic Healing and Divination
3- Nepal: Discovering Secrets Sites In&Around Bodhnath and Kathmandu Valley (7)
4- Nepal: Tibetan Thangkas Painting, Music & Performance Arts
5- Nepal: KTM Valley Community Health & Social Services
6- Nepal + India: Kathmandu Valley and India Benares/Sarnath Powerplaces
7- Nepal + Tibet and Nepal + India/Sikkim: Travels to Tibet and/or Sikkim/India
Should you be alone, or with your family, or a small group of friends or be with spiritual practitioners, do not hesitate to contact us, we will develop a custom-made escorted tour based entirely based upon your personal approach, agenda and request. Accordingly, engaging in your own spiritual practice is highly recommended and completely acceptable. Each individual tour itinerary differs depending on the participant.
Such journeys intend to seek genuine remaining traces that would allow to go to the inner roots of Nepal Himalayan Traditions, where Tibetan Buddhism, Shamanism and Hinduism are embedded into one another and therefore are still living beliefs, where the old traditional religions, politics, ethnic-based culture, arts, shamanic healing are blended with new technology, media and education into a revolutionary evolving strikingly refreshing new culture.
One can indeed find and study such topics as Ayurvedic or Tibetan traditional medicines, Yogis and Nagpas practices, either in out of the valley retreats and meditation centers, or in urban clinics or high education centers, where the herbal and energy health system offers remedies to people, and therefore complement to limited access more modern medicine facilities, which are sometimes hard to reach or pay for them...
Our journey, as such, always begins at the Bodhnath Stupa, situated a few minutes from the TIA Airport, just north-east of the ring-road surrounding the capital city of Kathmandu. The Bodhnath area will be our main logistics resources, our base-camp and a strategic site for networking assets.
We will first meet your local team being guides, translators, supervisors, or facilitators, as per the need of your project.
We will be based in a Guesthouse near the Stupa, near its monasteries, temples, communication and logistic hubs. There are numerous options gathered just at the Stupa gates, from which driving into the city or trekking out of the valley, or visiting NGOs or temple, make easy connections either with the ancient city sites or with the valley's many architectural wonders...
Please, do not hesitate to contact us, we will develop a custom-made escorted tour upon your approach, agenda and request.
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